The reality of my existence is that I'm so freshly "mom" that I am actually in a weird limbo state where I am aware of the space around me and how it has changed, and I can almost stand outside of that space and watch as the change takes place.
In a very real way, I have been a mom for about 16 years. Jeph and I got our first dog together about16 years ago. From that point on, I have always had at least one little life to care for. And over the last few days, my 13-year-old dachshund has reminded me how deep that love is and how that love is exactly as deep as what I feel for my furless baby. Non-pet people judge all you want--I don't care--the love really is the same depth, even though there are differences.
I think the major difference is the literal, physical connection I have to my daughter that I will never have with any other living thing. As I was working on another writing project this morning, it occurred to me that I understand why all the "wannabes" think they can maintain everything they are used to doing, and why so many of them (us) fail.

Two nights this week, our daughter chose not to sleep for most of the night. I was rescued both times, and am so grateful and lucky. Over the last three days, our furry daughter has not been feeling well, and I am not ready to accept that she is in her physical 80s or 90s. So, today, I've had a little time to wallow in my worry over her and shed a few tears during the time my furless daughter has been sleeping. I just walked into the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face and it occurs to me that I haven't used a hairbrush in days, my lower eyelids have never been darker or puffier, and I have only sneaking suspicions about the various spots of things on the T-shirt I am wearing.
I could really use a little moisturizer and some eye-makeup right about now.
Moms don't make time for things they think are bullshit. And most moms--right or wrong--see taking care of themselves as bullshit. When we get up in the morning, we take care of every other living thing in our proximity before we take care of anything we need. Four weeks in, there are already times I realize that I have just sat down to feed my daughter--which could take anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour--and I desperately need to go to the bathroom. Somehow, I manage to get her fed before I explode, and that reinforces for me that this is the way things are supposed to be.
Twice this week, I have had "spur of the moment" outings with only about an hour to prepare for leaving the house. Neither time did I manage to eat before leaving the house, or even manage a bottle of water. It's true, both times, I not only got my daughter cleaned up, dressed and fed, but I managed some semblance of putting my hair in order and straightening out my face. I imagine as the months go by, food and water will override vanity--I'm not quite there yet--that's why I am still qualifying myself as one of the "wannabes." I'm still kind of deluding myself into the idea that I can at least maintain myself when I go out into the world. I think there's some crazy place in my brain that believes I "owe it to my public." Let's forget that aside from my husband, there is literally one other living soul where I live who knows me well enough to recognize me, and while visiting me in the hospital after I had my daughter, I'm pretty sure she saw me practically topless--so I really doubt she cares if my hair is in order or not.
I am really fortunate. The last several years, my pregnancy, and the birth of our daughter has brought my husband and I so closely together that not even scruffy hair and dry patches on my face are going to "put us asunder." And he takes as many opportunities as he can to remind me that I am more than just our daughter's mom. One of those moments this week was unexpected, and it occurred to me that while I remember those kinds of moments, it already doesn't occur to me that I should expect those moments on any given day.
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My girls. |
In recounting the list, it's not about feeling bad for what I can't manage, or about wanting anyone else to feel bad. It's more about what almost all moms are doing on autopilot every single day. I know there are a few moms out there who have their shit together and manage these things with the same finesse and style with which they have managed careers and lives before motherhood, but since I don't really belong to their club, I don't know any of them.
I am quickly slipping away from the "wannabe" crowd and into the "real mom" crowd. I am one of the moms who will eat cold dinners over the sink as quickly as possible--at least in part so I can complete the load for the dishwasher. I am one of the moms who will leave the house, not realizing that she did mascara and eyeliner on one side, but not the other (no, this hasn't happened yet, but it will). I am one of the moms who will still be wearing that red and white striped shirt I got at K-mart my sophomore year in high school while my daughter wears whatever they will be wearing when she's in sixth grade.

From time to time, my husband will remind me that the line in front of me has gotten really long, and I will briefly be surprised enough by those reminders to realize that it happened without my paying attention along the way. And I won't remember any of those things I "wanted to be" as a mom. I'll just be a mom.
And when my daughter is old enough not to need me so much, only then will I realize there is no line in front of me anymore, and I will probably feel so lost because I won't know what or who to follow. That will be a sadder day than any of those on which I have nearly forgotten what a hairbrush or mascara can do for me.
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